Tag Archives: 雪女

Japanese Monsters & legends – Day 6 Yuki onna

21 May

Today is Yuki onna day!! \ º D º /

Yuki Onna 雪女 –story here

yei! frozen monday starting with the snow woman who is gonna leave you die frozen if you get lost in the snow, jejeje, well at least you’ll see something pretty n_n!!

I like Yuki onna because she remember my favorite idol playing kabuki = w = you should see Takizawa-sama (Hideaki Takizawa AKA Tackey) dancing with a beautiful white kimono… it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever see, seriously (sorry but I can’t give you a proof because it’s not legal ú_ù sigh~)

and let’s give my scanner a big applause because it invented almost the half of the blues of the drawing and loose the other half TT ^ TT !!